Securing Excellence: Expeed Software’s SOC 2 Compliance Voyage with CertPro

About Client

Expeed Software is a software development company that specializes in helping businesses of all sizes modernize, integrate, and optimize their applications and processes to create extraordinary user experiences. Expeed Software has positioned itself as a trusted partner for organizations seeking software application development, data analytics, and digital transformation strategies. They operate from offices in India and the USA.



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Client Requirement: SOC 2 Audit for Security, Availability, and Confidentiality

The first step in Expeed Software’s path to SOC 2 compliance was realizing how important it was to preserve the privacy of sensitive data, maintain system availability, and secure client data. Expeed Software approached CertPro with a particular request for a SOC 2 Type 2 audit and attestation in order to accomplish these goals and strengthen its commitment to data security. One of Expeed Software’s clients raised this particular request. Following a meeting with the management of Expeed Software, consultants from CertPro developed a strategy to consult and audit for SOC 2 Type 2.

Trust Service Criteria (TSC) principles:


The CertPro team made the Expeed Software management understand the imperative of safeguarding their systems and data against unauthorized access, breaches, and vulnerabilities. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, robust security measures were essential to protect their client’s information and even Expeed Software’s own sensitive information.


CertPro advised that any system downtime or unavailability could negatively impact Expeed Software’s business operations. Therefore, the second crucial aspect of their SOC 2 compliance initiative was ensuring that their systems and services remained accessible and operational when needed.


CertPro explained the paramount importance of maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive data. Unauthorized access to confidential information could lead to severe consequences, including data breaches, legal issues, and damage to Expeed Software’s reputation.

Overall, the top management of Expeed Software was convinced that achieving SOC 2 compliance in these three key areas would not only bolster their data security practices but also build trust with their clients.


CertPro, with its compliance consulting and auditing expertise, assisted Expeed Software in a streamlined five-stage SOC 2 Type 2 audit process.

Scope Optimization

In the initial stage, we outlined the audit scope and designated an Information Security Officer at Expeed Software to collaborate with CertPro. This officer was responsible for overseeing essential systems, processes, and controls related to the security, availability, and confidentiality of TSC principles. This scoping exercise ensured that the audit was efficient and precisely targeted, reducing unnecessary overhead.

CertPro consultants suggested that Expeed Software allocate resources strategically to align with its business objectives and TSC principles for achieving compliance goals.

Gap Assessment

Once the audit scope was established, CertPro initiated a thorough gap assessment. This phase involved evaluating Expeed Software’s existing policies, procedures, and controls against the SOC 2 compliance requirements. The purpose was to identify areas where their current practices fell short of the necessary standards.

The gap assessment was a critical step in understanding the extent of work required to achieve compliance. This phase provided Expeed Software with valuable insights into its existing security, availability, and confidentiality controls, highlighting areas for improvement.

Documentation and Remediation Support

With the gap assessment findings in hand, CertPro proceeded to work closely with Expeed Software in developing and enhancing documentation, policies, and controls necessary for SOC 2 compliance. This stage involved creating clear and comprehensive documentation that outlined processes, responsibilities, and security measures.

In parallel, CertPro provided expert guidance and support for the remediation efforts. Any identified gaps or deficiencies were systematically addressed, and the necessary controls were put in place. This phase was crucial in ensuring that Expeed Software’s practices aligned with the SOC 2 requirements.

Evaluation and Evidence Collection

The fourth step in the process involved carefully reviewing established controls and collecting data to demonstrate compliance with SOC 2 Trust Service Criteria (TSC) principles. The CertPro Audit team conducted in-depth assessments, which included reviewing logs, conducting interviews with personnel, and examining documentation.

This evaluation was designed to assess the effectiveness of the controls in place and validate their alignment with the security, availability, and confidentiality criteria. Evidence collection was a meticulous process, as it required documenting the steps taken to ensure compliance.

Audit and Attestation of SOC 2 Type 2 Report

The culmination of the SOC 2 Type 2 audit engagement was the fifth stage: the formal audit and attestation. CertPro conducted a comprehensive examination of Expeed Software’s systems and processes over a specified period of six months. This extended audit period allowed for a thorough assessment of the organization’s adherence to the Security, Availability, and Confidentiality TSC principles.

During the audit, CertPro assessed the effectiveness of controls in real-world scenarios. They scrutinized Expeed Software’s security measures, their ability to maintain system availability, and their practices for safeguarding confidential data.

After completing the audit, CertPro’s in-house Certified Public Accountant (CPA), licensed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), verified the information and issued the SOC 2 Type 2 report with formal attestation. This study showed Expeed Software’s dedication to data security and compliance while offering an unbiased evaluation of their compliance with the SOC 2 standard. For Expeed Software, it was an invaluable asset since it demonstrated their robust security posture.

Benefits Gained by Expeed Software

Expeed Software’s partnership with CertPro and their commitment to SOC 2 compliance resulted in numerous benefits for the organization.

Enhanced Data Security

Expeed Software significantly bolstered its data security practices through the SOC 2 compliance journey. By identifying vulnerabilities, implementing robust security controls, and continuously monitoring their systems, they ensured that their clients’ data remained safe from potential threats.

Improved Availability

With measures in place to maintain system availability, Expeed Software was better equipped to meet the needs of their clients. Reduced downtime and fewer disruptions meant that their clients could rely on their services with confidence, enhancing client satisfaction and trust.

Confidence and Trust

CertPro’s SOC 2 Type 2 report strongly attests to Expeed Software’s dedication to data security and compliance. This report provided their existing and potential clients with tangible evidence of their dedication to safeguarding sensitive information. Clients increasingly sought partners who could demonstrate strong security practices, and the SOC 2 report positioned Expeed Software as such a partner.

Competitive Advantage

In a competitive market, SOC 2 compliance gave Expeed Software a distinct advantage. It set them apart from competitors who might not have undergone such rigorous assessments, demonstrating to clients that they were a reliable and secure choice for their software development and digital transformation needs.

Risk Mitigation

Identifying and addressing security and compliance gaps reduced the risk of data breaches, regulatory penalties, and business disruptions for Expeed Software. By proactively strengthening their security posture and ensuring compliance with industry standards, they minimized potential vulnerabilities and their associated risks.

Operational Efficiency

The SOC 2 compliance process also led to operational efficiencies within Expeed Software. By documenting and standardizing processes and controls, they streamlined their operations, reducing the likelihood of errors and enhancing overall efficiency.


Expeed Software’s proactive efforts to comply with SOC 2, guided by CertPro’s expertise, brought significant benefits. By focusing on the core principles of security, availability, and confidentiality, Expeed Software not only fortified their data security practices but also gained a competitive advantage in the market. Their clients could trust them to protect their data and ensure the availability of critical systems.

This case study underscores the significance of SOC 2 compliance in today’s business landscape. It showcases how a commitment to data security and compliance can result in tangible benefits, from enhanced client trust to improved operational efficiency. Expeed Software’s journey serves as an inspiring example of an organization that not only met regulatory requirements but also used compliance as a strategic advantage to drive business growth and success.


SOC 2 Type 2 audit for Security, Availability, and Confidentiality.


Collaborative approach with CertPro to strategize and execute SOC 2 Type 2 audit.


Designating Information Security Officer and scoping exercise alignment.


Identifying non-compliance areas and subsequent control improvements.

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