About Client

Hicks Thomas LLP is a renowned commercial and tort law firm with its headquarters in Houston. The firm has been helping clients with legal disputes for over 20 years. Hicks Thomas achieves this by carefully examining a client’s problems, including the risks involved in a range of potential outcomes. Thus, the firm is handling huge client-based sensitive information that requires compliance for information security. It will strengthen their business prospect and ensure their customer’s data privacy.



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Maintaining client trust and protecting sensitive legal data was required to continue their business. Hicks Thomas LLP realized that strengthening the information security management procedures could offer them a competitive edge and satisfy the client regarding the regulatory demands. The organization decided on ISO 27001: 2022 compliance to strengthen its data protection protocols. In addition, the certification could help them show their dedication to security.


Readiness Assessment: CertPro started reviewing their documents for the compliance process and identifying the scope of the audit. Then, the auditing team creates a plan for the audit process. Our auditing team was communicating with the Hicks Thomas LLP team for submission of all necessary documents for the audit process.

Conduct the External Audit: CertPro’s auditing team reviewed the controls to identify if there were any differences between Hicks Thomas LLP’s current information security processes and the ISO 27001:2022 standards. Hicks Thomas LLP already had a set of rules, but some of them did not meet the standards for an audit. CertPro’s expert team recognized the discrepancy and communicated to the client. The most crucial part of implementing ISO 27001:2022 was ensuring the organization’s information security rules aligned with the objectives. The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) was appointed to oversee the process. The CISO made sure that the processes were marked as necessary so that a task force could be put together to fix the problems and ensure the rules were followed.

Creating an Audit Report: CertPro offers an exclusive audit report to Hicks Thomas LLP by CertPro’s review skills. The data from our reviews was essential for creating a complete risk mitigation plan for them. Therefore, regular reviews aim to resolve problems and improve the company’s risk management environment. CertPro helped them to maintain an effective Information Security Management System (ISMS).  

Certification Based on Audit Findings: CertPro helped Hicks Thomas LLP to get the final certification after successful implementation of the standard. Our auditors make the compliance journey smooth for Hicks Thomas LLP. In addition, adherence to compliance will surely improve their business opportunities and help them to get competitive advantages.


Improving the Information Security Practices: Hicks Thomas LLP improved the way its business worked by using standard procedures from ISO 27001:2022. The employees know the importance of a Clear Desk and Screen Policy. The organization has changed its hiring, training, and screening process. Implementing ISMS has speeded up and protected the overall operation. The whole company decided on who can access what information.

Creating Information Security Culture: Hicks Thomas LLP trained their employees and educated them about the importance of ISMS. It is now part of Hicks Thomas LLP’s mindset to protect data, follow IT security rules, report incidents, and ensure that all information moving through the company is subject to strict security checks and tracking.

Proactive Threat Identification: The implementation of the ISMS framework helps Hicks Thomas LLP to look ahead and find cyber dangers. Now, Hicks Thomas LLP can handle threats maturely due to focus tracking. This will reduce the time and financial burden of the organization.

Getting Competitive Advantage: The ISO 27001:2022 certification has given Hicks Thomas LLP a competitive edge in their business while articulating to potential clients. Now, their clients can trust them without thinking about how to keep their private data safe. This will help them to grow their business and become known worldwide.


In conclusion, CertPro was able to help Hicks Thomas LLP adopt, examine, and evaluate compliance with ISO 27001:2022. In addition, Hicks Thomas LLP uses compliance to keep data safe, build trust, protect its image, stay ahead of the competition, and follow the industry-specific regulations.


CertPro Assisted Hicks Thomas LLP in Achieving ISO 27001:2022 Compliance.


Compliance Ensured Robust Data Protection and Client Trust.


Steps Included Readiness Assessment, External Audit, and Reporting.


Benefits Included Improved Security Practices, Threat Management, and Competitive Edge.

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