Excerpt from BleepingComputer Article, Published on Aug 09, 2024.

American building security giant ADT has confirmed a data breach after customer information was leaked on a popular hacking forum. ADT, a major player in the security and smart home solutions industry, serves approximately 6 million customers and employs 14,300 people across 200 locations in the United States.

In a recent regulatory filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), ADT disclosed that threat actors had breached some of its databases and stolen customer data. The stolen information includes customer order details, email addresses, phone numbers, and postal addresses. ADT acted swiftly upon discovering the breach, shutting down unauthorized access and launching an investigation in partnership with third-party cybersecurity experts.

Despite the breach, ADT assured customers that there is no evidence of compromised home security systems or stolen credit card and banking information. The company also stated that the affected individuals represent a small percentage of its overall client base, although specific figures were not provided.

The leaked data, disclosed by a threat actor known as ‘netnsher’ on July 31st, reportedly includes 30,800 customer records containing emails, complete addresses, user IDs, and purchased products. Earlier in July, another threat actor claimed to have leaked corporate files stolen from ADT between 2020 and 2023, but this incident is not believed to be related to the recent breach.

ADT continues to investigate the incident and is working to strengthen its cybersecurity measures to prevent future breaches. The company has not yet provided an official statement in response to the breach.

Customers are advised to remain vigilant and monitor their accounts for any suspicious activity. ADT’s prompt response and ongoing investigation demonstrate its commitment to protecting customer data and maintaining trust in its services.

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