Excerpt from Business Outreach Article, Published on Aug 26, 2024.

Exotel, a leading cloud-based communication platform, recently faced a data breach, raising concerns over the security of client information. The breach was discovered on Friday, affecting some of the company’s cloud infrastructure in Singapore. Despite the breach, Exotel acted swiftly, containing the incident and reassuring its clients, which include high-profile firms like Zomato and Khatabook, that their sensitive personal or financial data was not compromised.

According to sources, the breach involved the theft of AWS private keys from a developer, leading to unauthorized access to the company’s database and source code. While the breach had a limited impact, Exotel took immediate steps to inform affected customers, offering detailed guidance on mitigating future risks.

Exotel’s clients, including Zomato, have acknowledged the breach but reassured their customers that no sensitive information related to payments was leaked. Exotel’s proactive communication and rapid response have been praised for minimizing the potential damage and maintaining client trust.

The breach highlights the critical importance of strong cybersecurity measures in today’s digital landscape. Exotel’s response to the breach underscores the necessity for companies to regularly review and upgrade their security protocols to prevent such incidents. The company has committed to ongoing investigations to further secure its infrastructure and protect client data.

In the competitive customer conversation platform market, Exotel, backed by Steadview Capital and A91 Partners, continues to grow, reporting a 32.1% increase in collections to Rs 420 crore. Despite this setback, Exotel remains dedicated to providing secure and reliable services, reaffirming its position as a leader in the industry.

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