
iso certification in egypt

Egypt is a leading economic nation in the African continent and also has been the pioneer in the business development with the gulf nations. The Debt-Ridden country in past received great help during the gulf war days for its involvement and the nation has not stopped to grow ever since then, hence ISO Certification in Egypt. Numerous sectors have been growing in the region and Egypt is the most economically advanced nation in Northern African Region. It is a macroeconomic nation and is now market oriented country that is boosting its economy. ISO Certification in Egypt have been since ages but with the new changes in the standard the change in ISO Implementations and ISO Certification in Egypt must reshape itself to meet the new demands. With the macroeconomic it is also a mixed economy thus catering to different sector of the business. The nation is involved in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Textiles, Automobiles etc. and the employment is provided to many through these industries.

ISO 27001 - 2022
ISO 27701


Business Sectors in Egypt


Due to the old saying Egypt is the Gift of Nile the Egypt has huge potential in agriculture sector, but it is also facing desertification and it loses 11700 hectares of land a year because of this. ISO certification in Egypt can help to manage the risks in this sector by calculating and mitigating the risks in advance. Maize and Corn are key exports of the region and this has helped the sector provide employment to many citizens. ISO 22000 Certification in Egypt has contributed in safe food in food processing industries and Global G.A.P certification in Egypt is also increasing. The infrastructural requirements of the outputs of food processing and agricultural sector can be handled with the ISO 41001 certification in Egypt. Egypt is the largest producer of dates in the world and the food processing of these dates are very crucial to have food safety management systems in place and ISO 22000 and HACCP Certification can help the sector to grow to international markets, hence ISO Certification in Egypt.


Industrial Sector

The industrial sector is divided into many areas, it has automobiles, Chemicals and Textile industry. The industries are absorbing many employment opportunities. The Nation is known for its automobile manufacturing that was started in 1960 and its still flourishing in the region, hence ISO Certification in Egypt. ISO 9001 Certification in Egypt has been utilized by many manufacturers in the region in order to boost their products in the market. ISO Certification in Egypt has helped these manufacturing sectors to maintain acceptable management system in the world and it also has made the nation build its economy through it. ISO 14001 certifications in Egypt has helped the textile industry to limit its effects on the environment and water resources and ISO 45001 Certifications in Egypt has provided the required health and safety requirements of the workforce. ISO Services in Egypt have been utilized by these manufacturing sector to boost their image in the market and provide consistent product outputs. ISO 29001 certifications Egypt is also seeing great demand as this is specific to the oil and gas sector.


Egypt has the best tourism destination what better than the pyramids and this also has lead to develop the tourism to the next level. ISO 9001 Certifications are sought by many from this business sector to showcase the management system of the sector. ISO 21101 Certifications in Egypt is increasing due to the hot air balloon tourism and other adventure tourism sectors. ISO certification in Egypt are also in demand as the exploitation of the nature for tourism activities is also controlled by this certification. The nation is also interested in pushing the tourism sector to bring in more investment towards other sectors of the business prevailing in nation.

Why ISO certification in egypt?

As Egypt is moving towards becoming one of the stable economies in Africa. The Egyptians manufacturers are looking at the management systems that provide better customer satisfaction and overall improvement of the Quality which provides better business opportunities in European and Arabic markets, hence ISO Certification in Egypt. ISO 9001 certifications in Egypt have always benefitted the manufacturers and it’s time for Egyptian manufacturers to venture into management systems which are specific and are more relevant to their industries. ISO 22000 Certifications in Egypt would boost the food sector and thus more market openings in Dubai and European market is achieved. ISO 14001 Certifications in Egypt would help to decrease the effects on the environment caused due to the growing economy thus the decrease of the carbon footprint. ISO 45001 Certification could lead to more stability in the region in terms of health and safety and could also contribute towards more investment as the workforce would be happy and consistent, hence ISO Certification in Egypt. ISO Services in Egypt is enhanced with the presence of CertPro which has been offering the advanced and customized ISO Certification Consultant services in Egypt from a decade, hence ISO Certification in Egypt. ISO Certifications in Port Said, Cairo, Alexandria, Giza are most common and is sought out from CertPro.

iso certification in cairo

The capital of Egypt and the city that contributes two-thirds towards its economy and holds great number of sectors contributing towards economy. Cairo holds the automobile sector and tourism sector and contributes 22% towards the economy of nation. ISO 9001 Certification in Egypt has helped the small-scale industries and the manufacturers in great extent with quality and customer satisfaction requirements. ISO 14001 Certifications and ISO 45001 Certifications in Cairo have also contributed many industries to reach international markets and contribute towards the international markets demand, hence ISO Certification in Egypt. ISO 27001 Certifications in Cairo have helped the service sector and banking sectors assuring investors of information security in the system. Cairo also contributes towards the tourism sector and this has lead to huge economic boost due to its infrastructural and administrative measures, but ISO 41001 certification in Cairo would benefit the infrastructure industry for overall development.

iso certification in  Alexandria

The second largest city of Egypt and the major city that promotes the economy of the nation. The ancient city that still splays important role in nation’s building is host for many industries like chemicals, Cotton, Textile, Minerals, Steel etc. These industries have been contributing in providing huge employment to the local people, hence ISO Certification in Egypt. The ISO 9001 certification in Alexandria has helped many electrical, textile, furniture, Paper and packaging industries to be competent and provide service at international acceptable levels. ISO 14001 certification in Alexandria has helped the paper and other industries that make use the nature as primary source of raw materials have been decreasing their footprint on destruction of nature. ISO 45001 Certification in Alexandria has helped the industries to maintain the health and safety demands of international bodies and this has helped to decrease the issue with occupational hazards. ISO 27001 Certifications in Alexandria has made the service industries especially the IT industry to attract the internal investors due to huge potential of human resource.

iso certification in egypt.
iso certification in egypt

iso certification in  Giza

The world attracts to Giza because of its beauty of ancient world. The city boosts about its industries too, major cigarettes, chemicals, machinery and movies, hence ISO Certification in Egypt. The Giza was struggling to attract international investors hence ISO 9001 certifications in Giza would help greatly to many industries like tourism, machinery, chemicals etc. ISO 14001 Certifications in Giza has majorly found a importance due to the care for its environment as the city itself is the major source of income due to the prevailing tourism industry. ISO 45001 Certifications in Giza would be properly implemented by trained experts of CertPro. ISO 51001 certifications in Giza have been seeked by Hotels, industries from CertPro due to our Expertise in customization. ISO Certifications and registrations in Giza are increasing in these days due to the high demand from international market for Quality, Safety and consistent service.

Why CertPro for your ISO certification in egypt?

CertPro has been associated with Egypt clients for a few years. Having done multiple projects for both private and government companies, the expertise in delivering timely projects at affordable costs has put us in the forefront for ISO certification in Egypt. CertPro also has Partners with enough manpower to deliver the projects locally thus reduced costs.

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, HACCP, ISO 50000, and ISO 27001, ISO 13485, ISO 17015. These are just a few of our successful implementations and certifications in Egypt over the years.

    Why are we the best?

    • Local ISO consultants in Egypt to ensure you get all benefits of onsite and online consulting.
    • Experience in working with Egyptian organizations of small-medium-large scale across various ISO standards.
    • We at Cert Pro have a better understanding of the requirements of government tenders. Thereby assuring you of timebound success for your ISO certification in Egypt.
    • A widespread network of associates in Egypt, ensuring you support in the Local language.
    • Industry specific knowledge of our ISO consultants in Egypt will optimize processes for your existing businesses.
    • Cert Pro’s Business excellence can make your business global too.
    • Our state-of-the-art certifications will give you the ultimate competitive advantage.
    • Focus on risk management and customer satisfaction; direct tools to boost your revenues and reduce operational costs.
    • Expertise in recommending the best cost-effective Certification Body to fit your needs. Thereby ensuring success to your ISO certification in Egypt.

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