
iso certification in nigeria

Nigeria is the fastest growing country in Africa due to its various sectors of business. The nation is a middle- income, mixed economy and an expanding economy in sectors of manufacturing, services, financial, technology and communications sectors increasing the demand for ISO Certification in Nigeria. The nation is deemed to be the largest economy in Africa continent, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. Nigeria is moving towards a service provision country as the oil revenues are not the major part of the economy and the employment created by Oil sector is not high. The Nigerian Government is now moving towards the telecommunications, Film and services sector like finance and banking to boost its economy, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. The Nigerian government also promotes the ISO certification in Nigeria to increase its range of business to new markets. NEEDS and other government programs have contributed to Nigerian economy in slow pace but has brought some stability to the economy.

ISO 27001 - 2022
ISO 27701


Economic Sectors in Nigeria


Major crops in the nations includes cereals, beans, gum products cocoa beans, Groundnuts etc. The nation had high exports of groundnut and palm, but the exports were decreasing due to the decrease in demand. The agriculture sectors are divided into two sectors that is home consumption and Exports, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. The agricultural ministry is trying its best to revoke the export sector and the Global G.A.P Certifications in Nigeria has increased and the ISO 22000 certifications in Nigeria has seen an increase as the food processing units are contributing more towards the same, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. ISO 9001 certifications in Nigeria and in the manufacturing sectors that provide manufacturing units for food processing industries are gaining pace and have helped to reach foreign investors in better approach, hence ISO certification in Nigeria.

Oil Sector

Nigeria is a member of OPEC and is been contributing to the world’s consumption of the oil, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. The Nigerian Oil Sector even though small sector which contributes to its economy has proven to be a relief provider to its debt and it is seen as the sector that could be the next potential employment provider, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. Nigeria is facing security problems and vandalizing the infrastructure of Oil Sector and ISO 45001 certifications in Nigeria could help to control the situation and ISO 41001 Certification would help in facility management. Oil Sector can be refined with new management systems in the country and ISO Certifications in Nigeria would provide the basic requirement of Management system platform which can be integrate with the other management systems.


Nigeria is ranked first in the services output sector and the private-led services sector is contributing more towards the economy and it is witnessing major changes in the sector through ISO certification in Nigeria. The services sector includes banking, financial sectors, food processing and another communications sector. ISO 22000 Certifications in Nigeria has helped the food processing units to meet the international markets and this has led to international recognition. The ISO 9001 Certifications in Nigeria is seen as the basic requirement to understand the management system and help the organizations to meet the demands of sustainable management system. CertPro offers the best ISO Services in Nigeria with concentrating towards the sector and provides the customized solution to companies seeking ISO certification In Nigeria.

Why ISO certification in nigeria?

The nations with huge potential in Economy needs to also cater the demands of international quality, Health , Food Safety, Occupational Safety to serve the world with its true strength, ISO Certification in Nigeria would boost the image of the organizations that can have the trust in them of sustainable and consistent service delivery. CertPro with huge experience in ISO Certification in Nigeria, has catered to numerous customers of the nation with multiple standards being delivered under Integrated Management system in Nigeria and the ISO Services are guaranteed as CertPro offers customized management system solutions. ISO 9001 certifications in Nigeria has helped to achieve the quality aspects in all sectors and the ISO 9001 certification in Nigeria is the need of the hour.

ISO Certification in Lagos

Lagos is the prime economic city and also the smallest area in Nigeria in terms of state but the major geopolitical region of Nigeria, it’s the city with highest economy contribution in Nigeria, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. ISO Certification in Nigeria have boosted the economy in the recent times, CertPro with huge potential of delivering ISO Services in Lagos has been serving the clients in Lagos, ISO Audit Services in Lagos have seen an increase due to our presence. It holds the major sectors of business with manufacturing, services and all other service industries in Nigeria, it would be the fifth largest economy in Africa if it were a country. ISO 9001 Certifications in Lagos has been benefitting the manufacturers to build the trust required in their customers by adhering to Quality Management System in Lagos through ISO Services in Lagos. ISO 14001, ISO 27001 certifications in Lagos have seen a huge demand due to the presence of Services sector. Lagos also holds huge potential in communications sector and in the service industry the ISO 2000-1 certifications in Lagos would yield better outputs as the management system concentrates only on service management.

iso certification in nigeria
iso certification in nigeria

ISO Certification in Port Harcourt

The richest city in terms of GDP and revenue is generated primarily from Oil and the city has most of the oil refinery, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. The city also has numerous manufacturing industries and ISO 9001 Certification in Port Harcourt is very essential to compete with in the local market. ISO 45001 Certification in Port Harcourt has increased due to the concerning health and safety issues in these industries. ISO 41001 Certification in Port Harcourt is also being the means to maintain the Facility Management Systems demands in Nigeria. ISO Certifications in Port Harcourt is one of the ways to make sure the management Systems acceptable in international market ca be integrated into the organizations to meet new customers and their demands to do business.

ISO Certification in Abuja

The nation’s capital and the inner city, the moving of the capital to Abuja has the intention of concentrating the economy to inner cities with potential and the geographical advantage of the location has got its recognition as capital. It is also the planned city built in 1980’s and has been designed with intention to boost its economy, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. Real estate is the driver of economy along with the transportation and Abuja has been increasing seeing the demand in ISO Services in Abuja. Iso Certification in Abuja has helped the region to compete with its own city the Lagos, Employments in Abuja has increased due to the shift in capital but much improvement is required in Abuja in terms of infrastructure and the local governmental agencies are supporting the ISO 41001 Certification in Abuja to pick up the pace and meet the international standards. ISO 22000 Certifications in Abuja is also seen a demand due to its transportation connection with other states and the location is now hub for major food processing industries.

ISO Certification in Ibadan

It’s located in Oyo State of Nigeria and is the capital and most populous city of the Oyo State. It is the hub for transportation between the Lagos and Kano region, thus it has been developed as the region for many food processing, Textile, Cocoa Beans, Tobacco and Agro-allied industries, hence ISO certification in Nigeria. ISO 22000 Certification in Ibadan has proved to be a boon for local manufacturers who are seeking to export the products and the region also has numerous manufacturing industries and ISO 9001 certifications in Ibadan is boosting their confidence to face international markets. CertPro provides the best ISO Services in Ibadan with certifications in various standards of the ISO. ISO Certifications in Ibadan has been made simple by CertPro due to its expertise. Due to the industries in Ibadan the ISO 45001 Certification in Ibadan has been sought out standards in the region. The entertainment industry is also blooming in Ibadan and the management system of various film producing companies have bettered due to the ISO registrations in Ibadan.

Why CertPro for your ISO certification in Nigeria?

CertPro has been associated with African And Nigerian clients for the past decade. Having done multiple projects for both private and government companies, the expertise in delivering timely projects at affordable costs has put us in the forefront for ISO certification in Nigeria.

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, HACCP, ISO 50000, and ISO 27001, ISO 13485, ISO 17025. These are just a few of our successful implementations and certifications in Nigeria over the years.

Why are we the best?

  • Local ISO consultants in Nigeria to ensure you get all benefits of onsite and online consulting.
  • Experience in working with Nigerian organizations of small-medium-large scale across various ISO standards.
  • Expertise in recommending the best cost-effective Certification Body to fit your needs. Thereby ensuring success to your ISO certification in Nigeria.
  • A widespread network of associates in Nigeria, ensuring you support in the Local language.
  • Cert Pro’s Business excellence can make your business global too.
  • Our state-of-the-art certifications will give you the ultimate competitive advantage.
  • Focus on risk management and customer satisfaction; direct tools to boost your revenues and reduce operational costs.
  • Industry specific knowledge of our ISO consultants in Nigeria will optimize processes for your existing businesses.
  • We at Cert Pro have a better understanding of the requirements of government tenders. Thereby assuring you of timebound success for your ISO certification in Nigeria.

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